Become a CEC Provider

To become a SCW CEC provider please fill out the form below.  SCW reviews the course content, hours and presenters of each submission. The presenter is required to hold a reputable certification or a degree in a fitness related field.  Mailing list and Email list rentals are also available for providers. Discounts may apply for CEC partnerships.  You will hear back from our office within one weeks time from submission date of the following form.

  • If you are petitioning for CECs for a single course, certification and/or a conference/convention - then please continue below. Do not fill out the rest of this form if you are petitioning for multiple courses, certifications or conferences. Submit your multiple course petition via email to [email protected].

  • function SvgDhtupload(props) { return /* @__PURE__ */ react.createElement("svg", dhtupload_svg_extends({ width: 54, height: 47, xmlns: "" }, props), dhtupload_svg_path || (dhtupload_svg_path = /* @__PURE__ */ react.createElement("path", { d: "M40.213 10.172c1.897.21 3.68.738 5.35 1.58a15.748 15.748 0 014.374 3.242 15.065 15.065 0 012.951 4.533c.72 1.704 1.08 3.522 1.08 5.455 0 1.827-.28 3.654-.843 5.48-.562 1.828-1.379 3.47-2.45 4.929A13.39 13.39 0 0146.669 39c-1.599.948-3.452 1.458-5.56 1.528H37.26a1.62 1.62 0 01-1.185-.5 1.62 1.62 0 01-.501-1.186c0-.457.167-.852.5-1.186.334-.334.73-.5 1.186-.5h3.848c1.44 0 2.75-.37 3.926-1.108a10.851 10.851 0 003.03-2.846 13.53 13.53 0 001.95-3.9 14.23 14.23 0 00.686-4.321c0-1.582-.316-3.066-.949-4.454a11.623 11.623 0 00-2.582-3.636 12.857 12.857 0 00-3.742-2.478 11.054 11.054 0 00-4.48-.922l-1.212-.053-.37-1.159c-.878-2.81-2.292-4.998-4.242-6.562-1.95-1.563-4.594-2.345-7.932-2.345-2.108 0-4.005.36-5.692 1.08-1.686.72-3.136 1.722-4.348 3.005-1.212 1.282-2.143 2.81-2.793 4.585-.65 1.774-.975 3.68-.975 5.718h.053l.105 1.581-1.528.264c-1.863.316-3.444 1.317-4.744 3.004-1.3 1.686-1.95 3.584-1.95 5.692 0 2.39.8 4.462 2.398 6.219 1.599 1.757 3.488 2.635 5.666 2.635h4.849c.492 0 .896.167 1.187 0 .456-.158.852-.474 1.185-.316.334-.72.501-1.212.501h-4.849a10.08 10.08 0 01-4.374-.975 11.673 11.673 0 01-3.61-2.661 13.173 13.173 0 01-2.478-3.9A12.073 12.073 0 010 28.301c0-2.706.755-5.148 2.266-7.326 1.511-2.178 3.444-3.636 5.798-4.374.14-2.354.658-4.542 1.554-6.562.896-2.02 2.091-3.777 3.584-5.27 1.494-1.494 3.25-2.662 5.27-3.505C20.493.422 22.733 0 25.193 0c1.898 0 3.637.237 5.218.711 1.581.475 3.004 1.151 4.269 2.03a13.518 13.518 0 013.268 3.215 18.628 18.628 0 012.266 4.216zm-11.964 13.44l6.22 6.85c.245.247.368.537.368.87 0 .334-.123.642-.369.923l-.421.263c-.211.246-.484.343-.817.29a1.544 1.544 0 01-.87-.448l-3.69-4.11v16.97c0 .492-.166.896-.5 1.212-.334.316-.729.474-1.186.474-.492 0-.896-.158-1.212-.474-.316-.316-.474-.72-.474-1.212V28.25l-3.584 4.005a1.544 1.544 0 01-.87.448.959.959 0 01-.87-.29l-.42-.264c-.247-.28-.37-.588-.37-.922 0-.334.123-.624.37-.87l6.113-6.746v-.052l.421-.422a.804.804 0 01.396-.29c.158-.053.307-.079.448-.079.175 0 .333.026.474.", fill: "none" }))); }
  • function SvgDhtupload(props) { return /* @__PURE__ */ react.createElement("svg", dhtupload_svg_extends({ width: 54, height: 47, xmlns: "" }, props), dhtupload_svg_path || (dhtupload_svg_path = /* @__PURE__ */ react.createElement("path", { d: "M40.213 10.172c1.897.21 3.68.738 5.35 1.58a15.748 15.748 0 014.374 3.242 15.065 15.065 0 012.951 4.533c.72 1.704 1.08 3.522 1.08 5.455 0 1.827-.28 3.654-.843 5.48-.562 1.828-1.379 3.47-2.45 4.929A13.39 13.39 0 0146.669 39c-1.599.948-3.452 1.458-5.56 1.528H37.26a1.62 1.62 0 01-1.185-.5 1.62 1.62 0 01-.501-1.186c0-.457.167-.852.5-1.186.334-.334.73-.5 1.186-.5h3.848c1.44 0 2.75-.37 3.926-1.108a10.851 10.851 0 003.03-2.846 13.53 13.53 0 001.95-3.9 14.23 14.23 0 00.686-4.321c0-1.582-.316-3.066-.949-4.454a11.623 11.623 0 00-2.582-3.636 12.857 12.857 0 00-3.742-2.478 11.054 11.054 0 00-4.48-.922l-1.212-.053-.37-1.159c-.878-2.81-2.292-4.998-4.242-6.562-1.95-1.563-4.594-2.345-7.932-2.345-2.108 0-4.005.36-5.692 1.08-1.686.72-3.136 1.722-4.348 3.005-1.212 1.282-2.143 2.81-2.793 4.585-.65 1.774-.975 3.68-.975 5.718h.053l.105 1.581-1.528.264c-1.863.316-3.444 1.317-4.744 3.004-1.3 1.686-1.95 3.584-1.95 5.692 0 2.39.8 4.462 2.398 6.219 1.599 1.757 3.488 2.635 5.666 2.635h4.849c.492 0 .896.167 1.187 0 .456-.158.852-.474 1.185-.316.334-.72.501-1.212.501h-4.849a10.08 10.08 0 01-4.374-.975 11.673 11.673 0 01-3.61-2.661 13.173 13.173 0 01-2.478-3.9A12.073 12.073 0 010 28.301c0-2.706.755-5.148 2.266-7.326 1.511-2.178 3.444-3.636 5.798-4.374.14-2.354.658-4.542 1.554-6.562.896-2.02 2.091-3.777 3.584-5.27 1.494-1.494 3.25-2.662 5.27-3.505C20.493.422 22.733 0 25.193 0c1.898 0 3.637.237 5.218.711 1.581.475 3.004 1.151 4.269 2.03a13.518 13.518 0 013.268 3.215 18.628 18.628 0 012.266 4.216zm-11.964 13.44l6.22 6.85c.245.247.368.537.368.87 0 .334-.123.642-.369.923l-.421.263c-.211.246-.484.343-.817.29a1.544 1.544 0 01-.87-.448l-3.69-4.11v16.97c0 .492-.166.896-.5 1.212-.334.316-.729.474-1.186.474-.492 0-.896-.158-1.212-.474-.316-.316-.474-.72-.474-1.212V28.25l-3.584 4.005a1.544 1.544 0 01-.87.448.959.959 0 01-.87-.29l-.42-.264c-.247-.28-.37-.588-.37-.922 0-.334.123-.624.37-.87l6.113-6.746v-.052l.421-.422a.804.804 0 01.396-.29c.158-.053.307-.079.448-.079.175 0 .333.026.474.", fill: "none" }))); }
  • Base Fee
    Single Workshop Session/Course (1-3 hours)
    Certification/Training ((3.5-8 hours)​
    Convention/Conference (8+ hours)

    Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty: