Each year, more than one in four older adults take a fall, but less than half tell their doctor. After the first fall, the chances of falling again double. According to Wikipedia, the fear of falling (FOF) is natural in most humans and animals. It was merely believed to be a result of the psychological trauma of the fall, also … Read More
Give Me A High Five!
For many of us, being fit means maintaining a healthy weight with diet and exercise. However, the “healthy weight = fit” idea really omits several of the components of what being truly fit means. In biological terms, “being fit” means being able to provide for one’s own life and wellbeing by adhering to five aspects of physical fitness. We all … Read More
Reaching Your Fitness Goals
How many times have you attempted to set a goal for yourself, whether personal or fitness? How many times have you succeeded? When it comes to improving our own health, we all set objectives and strive to do our best. Goals are different for everyone, so a series of steps should be taken to reach your target and aim for … Read More
Aging vs. Age
Aging can be defined as the process of becoming older. Aging represents the accumulation of changes in a human being over time and can encompass physical, psychological, and social changes. Reaction time, for example, may slow with age, while knowledge of world events and wisdom may expand. Experts agree that there are as many as five ways in which one ages. Thus, anyone … Read More
The Marriage of Music, Mood and Exercise Adherence
When listening to your favorite song on the radio, have you ever caught yourself tapping your foot, humming out loud, taken back in time or feeling affected emotionally? Can you remember that day when music seemed to carry you away or take you back in time? Have you felt a change in energy as you turned up the volume or … Read More