• Step 1: Select Your Certification Types
    Step 2: Personal Information
    Step 3: Club/Facility Information
    Step 4: CEC/CEU Information
    Step 5: Payment

  • This form is ONLY for those renewing MORE THAN ONE SCW Certification. If you want to renew a single SCW Certification click here. Otherwise, please proceed below.

    Your SCW Certification is valid for two years, after two years you are required to renew. You must submit 20 hours of continuing education credits from courses you attend after your certification’s renewal date. For more information, please view our Certification FAQs here.

    Choose the SCW Certification Types you have completed and enter the Expiration Dates. (Your expiration date is listed on your certificate). Once you complete the form you will receive an email containing the PDFs of your certification renewals. Please check your INBOX as well as your SPAM FOLDER.