Core Fit

With Elian Haan
Ingredients for this format are balance, flexibility and strength, delivering quality over quantity with an emphasis on the how and why. Look for simple, result-driven and effective moves. Experience five 10-minute blocks of lunges & squats, shoulders & arms, balance, core and flexibility for a great hour of functional fitness.

Completely Core

With Abbie Appel
Experience this dynamic core workshop with one 15-minute and one 30-minute comprehensive workout. Learn to safely and effective modify and progress movements for all participants. Discover how easy it is to create a complete and structured, five foundational movement core program that is effective, challenging and keeps clients coming back for more core!

Time: 48 Mins

Pilates On the Ball

With Abbie Appel
Break through plateaus with an updated twist on Pilates. Incorporate a stability ball to enhance standard Mat and Pilates Reformer exercises. Learn fun and effective modifications and progressions for all demographics. Challenge upper body, lower body and core with movements that will spice up your Pilates workout.

Regular to Ripped: Body-Weight Training

With Mike Bracko, Ed.D.
Awaken a new dimension of training and fun with athletic movements of body leverage training. Body leverage training has emerged as a popular workout with and without a partner. Walk away with the latest exercises for the upper body, core and legs. Experience each exercise and feel the effect of perfect form and function.

Time: 90 minutes

Dynamic Anatomy: Core/Upper Body

With Pete McCall, MS
How does the position of the shoulders affect the hips? What is the most effective way to strengthen the rectus abdominus? You must understand anatomy to develop and teach exercise programs that meet your clients’ needs. This session will help you appreciate how muscles function during upright movement patterns.

Time: 92 minutes

Corrective Exercise: Female Core

With Dr. Evan Osar
More than 25 million individuals experience incontinence and 75-80% are females and more than one million women have abdominal and/or pelvic surgeries each year. Traditional core training approaches for these women rarely work and can frequently exacerbate their issues. Discover why many female clients struggle with abdominal and pelvic floor issues.

Metabolism, Fat, Abs, Butt & Thighs

With Fabio Comana, MS, MA
As a population obsessed with weight loss, the mere thought or mention of ‘metabolism’, ‘fat’, ‘abs’, ‘butt’ and ‘thighs’ grabs attention. Due to rising popularity, mass confusion exists surrounding the proper methods to successfully train these areas. Join Fabio to learn the facts, differentiate myths from reality and learn to educate and implement effective programs to achieve the elusive ‘metabolic boost’, ‘fat burn’, and ‘firm thighs, abs and butt’.

Time: 91 minutes

Total Body Core Training

With Pete McCall, MS
Effective core training should integrate all muscles to work effectively around the center of gravity. Traditional core exercises have clients lying on the ground moving in a single plane, which does not prepare the muscles for the forces they will experience during upright, ground-based movement. Disruptive Training with various equipment, including the ActivMotion Bar, will help you design a core training program that prepares the body for the way it is designed to work in a three-dimensional environment.

Time: 71 minutes

The One Weight Workout: Kettlebell

With Pete McCall, MS
Do you have a limited budget for only a few pieces of equipment? This session will teach you strategies for creating a fun and challenging workout that addresses mobility, strength, power and metabolic conditioning using only the Kettlebell.

Time: 90 minutes

Little Tweaks For Big Results

With Keli Roberts
Learn to make small modifications to traditional exercises to change the exercises for a variety of body types and health conditions. See how changes in planes of motion, foot, hand, hip and shoulder positioning can make a difference. Little Tweaks in verbal, visual and kinesthetic coaching will create big results!