CEC Video Course: Balance Strategies for Older Adults


With Dr. Evan Osar

Balance Strategies for Older AdultsEvery day in the U.S., 10,000 individuals turn 65, and 1/3 over the age of 65 will fall costing the health care system nearly $80 billion every year. During this workshop, you will discover why your clients are falling and strategies that you can implement to have an immediate effect on your client’s balance. You will discover safe progressions to improve your client’s balance as well as what exercises you should avoid in their training.

CEC Video Course Includes:

CEC Video: Balance Strategies for Older Adults
Video Duration: 92 Minutes
Powerpoint (PDF)
Education Article
CEC Exam
CECs/CEUs: SCW (2.0)

Dr. Evan Osar
Dr. Evan Osar is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and expert on assessment, corrective exercise, and functional movement. Dr. Osar has authored Corrective Exercise Solutions and The Psoas Solution and has developed the industry’s most advanced training certifications: Integrative Corrective Exercise Instructor™ and Integrative Movement Specialist™. With his wife, Jenice Mattek, he created the Institute for Integrative Health and Fitness Education™, which provides live and on-line educational resources for the health and fitness professional that specializes in working with the older adult population.

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