CEC Video Course: Big Balance Theory
With Jessica Pinkowski
Falling is the leading cause of fatalities in older adults. The ‘Big Balance Theory’ helps active agers restore strength, improve balance and regain confidence and states: The fear of falling can be conquered, and the risk of falling can be reduced! Learn to create a fall-prevention program that fuses theory with practical application.
CEC Video Course Includes:
CEC Video: Big Balance Theory
Video Duration: 93 Minutes
Powerpoint (PDF)
CEC Exam
CECs/CEUs: SCW (2.0), ACSM (2.0), NASM (0.2), AFAA (2.0)

Growing up in family operated dance studios and teaching classes at an early age helped develop Jessica’s musicality and skill to choreograph mindful movement for all ages. She transitioned into the fitness industry in 1996 building 20 years of experience leading group wellness classes and specializing in functional movement for active aging adults. She is currently the Group Fitness Supervisor for “On Top of the World Communities” and “The Ranch Fitness Center and Spa” located in Ocala, Florida.