Choreography To The Third Power


Presented by Cindy Patterson
If you’re tired of attending workshops and coming home with choreography you don’t know how to use, then this video is for you. Learn how to break down blocks of choreography, analyze them for complexity, and reconstitute them into blocks suitable to the needs of your students. You’ll have the knowledge to take your choreography to the next power!

Equipment: Aquatic Fitness Gloves
Time: 85 minutes

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Presented by Cindy Patterson
If you’re tired of attending workshops and coming home with choreography you don’t know how to use, then this video is for you. Learn how to break down blocks of choreography, analyze them for complexity, and reconstitute them into blocks suitable to the needs of your students. You’ll have the knowledge to take your choreography to the next power!

Equipment: Aquatic Fitness Gloves
Time: 85 minutes