Introduction to Aquatics: Take the Plunge


Presented by Sara Kooperman, JD
If you are new to aquatics. DIVE IN …. The water’s fine! Expand your repertoire of moves, ease your stress and increase your marketability. Learn the skills to teach a top-notch aquatics program. Music selection, class formatting, cueing techniques and choreography variations are addressed. Leave ready to TAKE THE PLUNGE Monday morning.

Equipment: None
Time:  90 minutes

SKU: VID030 Categories: , Tags: ,


Presented by Sara Kooperman, JD
If you are new to aquatics. DIVE IN …. The water’s fine! Expand your repertoire of moves, ease your stress and increase your marketability. Learn the skills to teach a top-notch aquatics program. Music selection, class formatting, cueing techniques and choreography variations are addressed. Leave ready to TAKE THE PLUNGE Monday morning.