Presented by Ann Gilbert
Balance and gait deficits increase with age and are associated with the increased incidence of falls. Gait is a pattern of limb movements. Balance is maintaining one’s center of gravity. Both gait and balance rely on a complex interplay between the brain, nervous system, sensory organs, and musculoskeletal system. Review protocols to assess and increase strength in the active but aging client.


Presented by Ann Gilbert
Help your students resist and splash their way through the water with this science-based HIIT program. Study the benefits of high intensity interval training, practice new cueing and coaching techniques, and study with an aquatic master trainer who is determined to make teaching innovative, tumultuous and safe for all types of aqua participants. Get ready to HIIT the ground running and create your own aquatic programming sure to be a HIIT with your clients!


Presented by Ann Gilbert
Chairs are not just for sitting, we can use them in a fitness class for so much! Experts agree that there are numerous benefits to performing a HIIT routine with those considered to be active agers. Launch a new format shown to efficiently and effectively increase strength, endurance and aerobic capacity while decreasing joint impact in a shorter period – from a chair!


Presented by Ann Gilbert
In this session learn how to design a socially distanced small group programming option for the aging populations. Rethink regressions and progressions, the need for social interaction, personalized assessments and the functional patterns that will keep them coming back for more.

Deep Stretch & the Aging

With Ann Gilbert
Discover a new land-based format that focuses on the science behind the deep stretch for your active ager. Eliminate the fear of mat work, and empower your members with the educational-based format that easily can be launched into your growing active aging program GX lineup.

Elapsed Time: 70 minutes

Leadership Toolbox

With Ann Gilbert
Having moved from working “in” the fitness business to working “on” the fitness business, I understand the need to take risks, trust & verify, and build a team that can share an owner’s vision. Let’s discuss the need to build a dynamic team and study how managing the day means being able to change on a dime while taking care of members needs first and foremost. With over 38 years of fitness experience, I learned that as an active ager, I have found my true fitness calling as a boutique club owner.

Elapsed Time: 47 minutes

Weight Loss Aquatic Style

With Ann Gilbert
With the growth in the number of members challenged with our nation’s epidemic of obesity, it is time to implement a weight loss program that focuses on aquatic exercise as the catalyst to weight loss success. Learn proven strategies that allow you to launch your start-up program this season.

Elapsed Time: 77 minutes

Playful Aqua Patterns

With Ann Gilbert
Study innovative science-based patterns to incorporate into your aqua classes. Learn to balance movement patterns to ensure that you know how to incorporate a well-designed warm-up and cool-down section to your class while capturing the attention of the group and retain them for years to come.

Elapsed Time: 65 minutes

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

With Sara Kooperman, JD, Irene Lewis-McCormick, Ann Gilbert, Jessica Pinkowski & Billie Wartenberg
Bring a tidal wave of energy and excitement to the pool! The fabulous Women of MANIA® will provide a flood of new ideas that will give new meaning to fluid fun. Plunge into a fantastic workout that covers all body parts and add a major splash of WOW! to your aqua classes.

Time: 82 Minutes

H2O Luscious Limbs

With Ann Gilbert
Strengthen and lengthen the major muscles of the lower body while adding integrity at the joint as well as increased mobility. Learn how to deliver a safe and effective class format. Practice strategies to use when designing your class format and learn to practice not only professional cueing but postural demonstration techniques. This session also will incorporate new programming options using the toys of our trade.