With Connie Warasila
We’re looking for a few good aquatic fitness instructors! Combine cardiovascular traveling moves and stationary muscular training that will motivate your student to be the best they can.
Deeper Love
With Connie Warasila
Do you love to teach deep-water fitness- or wish you did? Learn techniques to make deep-water class fun and challenging for your students.
Under Currents
With Sara Kooperman, JD & Connie Warasila
In this entertaining and educational program, learn a variety of techniques and movement patterns for maximizing the use of water resistance.
Aqua Zen
With Connie Warasila
Slip into the pool and experience a relaxing blend of ancient movement forms (yoga and Tai-Chi) and more contemporary mind/body movement (Ai-Chi, Pilates, dance, aqua movement).
Water Cardio & Core
With Connie Warasila
It’s time to rev up your heart rate and tighten up your center. Combine fast-paced cardio moves with snippets of core-focused exercises to create a class that helps clients identify what challenging, aerobic exercise feels like.
White Water Walking
With Connie Warasila
Not your typical water walking class! Discover creative movements to challenge your core strength, balance, coordination, and overall strength.
The Force: Aquatic Training
With Connie Warasila
Discover techniques to effectively apply force to the water for a more intense and exciting aquatic workout. Plus, learn patterns that offer the best opportunity for creative high-powered moves.
Nautical Noodles
With Connie Warasila
Ride it, push it, pump it, and let the noodle lift your spirits. Enhance your programs with partner work, suspension exercises, sculpting variations and deep water training techniques.
Buff and Balanced
With Connie Warasila
Feel strong and help your students realize their strength potential by learning proven training techniques to build lean body tissue.