Stress and Inflammation

With Fabio Comana, MS, MA
It is inevitable that stress and inflammation continue to garner more and more medical and media attention, but is it justified? Is there really a real link between stress, inflammation and the overall quality of life? If so, what can we, as fitness professionals, suggest and implement to reduce them within our client’s lives? Fabio reviews emerging research in stress and inflammation and how our diet, exercise and stress-coping mechanisms can all impact our overall quality of life.

Time: 91 minutes

Dietary Diversity

With Melissa Layne
In today’s fast-paced world, nutritional choices have become mundane and routine. We will explore how this affects our bodies and minds and our hormones, neurotransmitters and vitamin and mineral intakes. Learn about the latest research on superfoods and how we can utilize this research to optimize our health and increase longevity.

Metabolism, Fat, Abs, Butt & Thighs

With Fabio Comana, MS, MA
As a population obsessed with weight loss, the mere thought or mention of ‘metabolism’, ‘fat’, ‘abs’, ‘butt’ and ‘thighs’ grabs attention. Due to rising popularity, mass confusion exists surrounding the proper methods to successfully train these areas. Join Fabio to learn the facts, differentiate myths from reality and learn to educate and implement effective programs to achieve the elusive ‘metabolic boost’, ‘fat burn’, and ‘firm thighs, abs and butt’.

Time: 91 minutes