With Yury Rockit
Any age can teach active aging clients with understanding of the aging mental process from the perspective of mindfulness. Current research reveals possible secrets and tips that Yury shares for adding to aging process mindfulness, meditation, and music. We will also address balance from a mental and physical perspective.
Obesity From a Different Perspective
With Daniel Galanto
Weight loss is one of the most popular specialties among personal trainers, who are taught that exercise is the universal cure-all for obesity. This lecture shows trainers that there are other aspects of someone’s life that could make them obese. Personal trainers are one of the few professionals that can help these people, sometimes without exercise. (LECTURE)
Time: 93 minutes
Funtensity: Emotion in Motion
With Jonathan Ross
Time flies when you’re having fun – that’s why workouts feel so long to most people. Transform the exercise experience forever to help them stick with it. Lose yourself in play to find yourself in fitness. Intensity changes the body – fun changes the mind. Become a professional of fun!
Time: 52 minutes
What’s Really Making You Crazy?
With Melissa Layne
As the female body changes due to progesterone and estrogen levels, so does stress, sleep and mood patterns. It is not all in the mind! This session covers the how’s and why’s regarding hormonal changes that affect our personalities and daily lives. Together, we will review the research on surviving the stress and moody witch periods when our bodies change with some practical and proven modifications.
Bedroom Secrets: Fitness & Sleep
With Mike Bracko, Ed.D.
When clients get enough sleep, it improves reaction time, mood and performance. Sleep decreases fatigue and ensures a great workout. Lack of sleep signals the brain to eat and also increases cortisol and makes us crave fatty foods. Learn how we can sleep our way to fat loss, improved fitness and epic sports performance.
Time: 90 minutes
Yin Yoga: Less Is More
With Whitney Chapman
Yin Yoga takes you deeper into your experience by slowing down the mind while creating deep openings and awareness in the body. Simultaneously intense and gentle, learn how to surrender into restrictions to awaken what is hidden in our bodies to create space, relaxation and give quiet to the mind.
Neuroplasticity 101 & Beyond
With Lawrence Biscontini, MA
Neuroplasticity and Happiness refers to our ability to train the brain in all five major functions, to build mental muscle. Two important aspects of age include functional and psychological age, and this lecture explores how to maximize our training of the same. Uncover practical applications related to brain research.
Stress and Inflammation
With Fabio Comana, MS, MA
It is inevitable that stress and inflammation continue to garner more and more medical and media attention, but is it justified? Is there really a real link between stress, inflammation and the overall quality of life? If so, what can we, as fitness professionals, suggest and implement to reduce them within our client’s lives? Fabio reviews emerging research in stress and inflammation and how our diet, exercise and stress-coping mechanisms can all impact our overall quality of life.
Time: 91 minutes
Extreme Tabata Yoga
With Jeff Howard
Tabata utilizes alternating work and rest for periods of time in a sequence of eight repetitions. This practice lends itself to yoga while holding a pose for 20 seconds and then resting for 10 seconds. Learn more Vinyasa’s that will challenge your members and Yoga asanas that are linked together for a great challenge!