With Robert Sherman
Today’s balance training programs are so much less than what they could be! In order to truly develop better spatial awareness, coordination and balance, we need to address ALL the physiological subsystems that contribute to balance and provide our central nervous system with feedback. In this session, you will learn how to ignite and train the vestibular, somatosensory, visual, and auditory systems so that your clients gain confidence and develop greater balance and functional fitness!
Stability Ball Training: Upper Body
With Robert Sherman
Creatively train the upper body: chest, back, shoulders, and arms while simultaneously sculpting the abdominals using the stability ball.
Stability Ball Training: Lower Body
With Robert Sherman
Exciting, creative and effective, create training strategies that balance the glutes, quads and hamstring. Learn progressions to safely integrate stretches for all populations from athletes to post-rehab. Recommended material for the SCW Stability Ball Certification.
Stability Ball Training: Abs & Back
With Robert Sherman
This creative video addresses the physiological, biomechanical and kinesthetic awareness principles, which form the foundation in training the abs and back on the ball.