For Your Core | By: Lucy Waite, Hedstrom Fitness
Why You Should Invest in a Coach / Trainer | By: PJ Stahl, Power Systems™
2018 MANIA® Conferences Around the Corner
HIIT 102 – Incorporating HIIT Programming Within Your Facility | By: Core Health
Drink Up for Winter Hydration, Performance and Recovery | By: Lori Pine
Beginner’s Guide to CrossFit Bodyweight Workouts | By: Clara Decker
Truly Chewy Energy Balls | By: Tricia Silverman

I have been working in the fitness industry for nearly 20 years and I still try to attend as many workshops and fitness conferences as possible. While I do see some discrepancies in what we identify as “the core musculature,” I have yet to sit through a presentation that undermines the value or importance of our CORE.
What is the Core?
In general, we can define our “core” as the group of muscles used for spinal stability and mobility. The rectus abdominis and erector spinae are responsible for spinal flexion and extension, bending forwards and backwards. Our obliques assist with spinal rotation, twisting side to side, as well as lateral flexion, bending side to side. Abdominal compression, the action involved while coughing, blowing up balloons, or bracing to move a heavy object is attained through the use of our transverse abdominis. The multifidus muscle consists of fibrous clusters that fill the space between each vertebra and is responsible for spinal stability. Whether our goals are fitness related or perhaps just maintaining the mobility necessary for daily activities, training our core musculature to work in harmony is a must!
Hydro-Inertia®, one form of dynamic-fluid resistance, utilizes water-filled devices such as the Surge® and Kamagon® Ball to generate unstable forces that must be controlled by the user. Due to the water constantly shifting and attempting to disrupt repetitive movement patterns, training with the Surge® or Kamagon® Ball can create proprioceptive-rich environments. As the user favors one side, the water flows that direction, stimulating engagement to occur in opposition. Not only does this provide instant feedback so the body can begin to balance itself, but it also triggers core musculature activation.
Four for Your Core
Here are some of my favorite core exercises that can be performed with either the Surge® or Kamagon® Ball:
- Begin in plank position. Perform a push-up, then pull the Kamagon® or Surge® across the body. Try to keep the water as still as possible. Option: Tap the equipment instead of pulling it under the body.
- Begin in a V-sit position. Feet can be on the floor or elevated. Holding the Kamagon® Ball or Surge® with two handles, rotate side to side, oscillating the water. Option: Add a halo around the head.
- Begin supine, holding the Kamagon® Ball or Surge® with two handles above the chest. Then, bring alternate knees to chest, while extending the opposition leg. Options: Hold the equipment stationary over the chest and try to stabilize the water while the legs move, or move the equipment in opposition to the legs and oscillate the water.
- Begin standing, holding the Kamagon® Ball or Surge® with two handles. Move the Kamagon® or Surge® diagonally across the body in a forceful chopping motion, trying to crash the water down and back up to the starting position.
About the Author:
Lucy Waite, MS, is a master trainer for Hedstrom Fitness, BOSU®, and Schwinn Indoor Cycling. She is an instructional associate professor of health and kinesiology at Texas A & M University in College Station, TX.
To learn more about your core and to watch videos of the exercises noted above, please click on the following link:
Get to a MANIA® near you to experience both the Surge and Kamagon!
Throughout the years, I have heard one question hundreds of times.
“Why should I invest in a trainer/coach?”
As a fitness professional, I believe there are some very strong and positive answers to this question that are appropriate for most individuals. Whether it’s a one-on-one personal trainer, small group training, or a gym membership with classes, there are many reasons to invest in you. I am going to breakdown my top three reasons why it is important to invest in a personal trainer/coach.
Motivation Through Education
When working with a trainer, you will learn how to exercise correctly. It can be extremely motivating to not only learn how to do an exercise correctly, but also the “what” and “why” behind the results you can get from your workout. With hundreds of different pieces of fitness equipment and thousands of different exercises, working out can be extremely overwhelming. Why not work with a coach that will teach you new exercises, how to use new pieces of equipment, and how a complete systemized workout that is right for you? I always want to educate my clients so they know the “why” behind their training program. The motivation that can be created from learning how all of this intense hard work will get you the results you want is well worth it!
Accountability For Sustainability
Another one of my top reasons to invest in a trainer is because you will now have accountability to fitness. You will be held to your schedule with training sessions or classes that you have signed up for to obtain results. With this built into your schedule and a trainer/coach holding you to it, you will be more likely to adhere to your goals. When it comes to seeing results, a consistent training program is very important. Hiring a personal trainer or signing up for a membership with classes will keep you on the right path for results.
Customization For Results
When working with a trainer, you will receive a customized plan to reach your goals faster. As I stated earlier, it can be overwhelming to try to create your own workouts with all of the different machines and programs being thrown at us from every direction. On top of that, how do you know if you are doing the right workout for the results you want? When working with a trainer, he/she will create individualized programming for your sessions to train you for what your body specifically needs and the goals you want to achieve. A trainer will also provide exercises to correct imbalances and prevent injury. The investment is worth the individualized plan to keep you healthy and reach your goals efficiently.
With education, accountability, and customization as your tools for success, the investment isn’t for a trainer, it’s for yourself. The physical, aesthetic, and health benefits associated with this investment are priceless. Along with that, starting to work with a trainer before the New Year’s rush will give you time to create a base of confidence before the gym gets busy in January. Take the time to invest in “YOU” and create a plan with a trainer today to start getting results tomorrow!
Come and check out all the equipment Power Systems has to offer, hands on at a MANIA® near you!
MANIA® is more than just a fitness convention; it’s where fitness pros break barriers and take their careers to the next level. It’s the place where the fitness community goes to be inspired, get recharged and learn! MANIA® is affordable and is perfectly suited for the budding exercise professional to the seasoned fitness veteran. Rub elbows with your favorite presenters (Local & International), shop the Expo and celebrate being part of a greater health and wellness community. MANIA® Conventions supply you with up to 24 Continuing Education Credits/Units during the three-day convention and pre-convention certifications. SCW, AFAA, ACE, NASM, ACSM, AEA and others accept MANIA® CECs/CEUs.
It’s a shot of adrenaline to your fitness career that keeps you coming back for more!
The SCW Fitness MANIA® Conference schedule has been released with all dates listed below:
- NYC MANIA | Jan 26-28, 2018
- California MANIA | April 6-8, 2018
- Florida MANIA | May 4-6, 2018
- Atlanta MANIA | July 27-29, 2018
- Dallas MANIA | Aug 24-26, 2018
- Philly MANIA | Sept 21-23, 2018
- Midwest MANIA | Oct 5-7, 2018
- Boston MANIA | Dec 7-9 2018
- DC MANIA | Jan 26-28, 2019
More info at:
In recent years, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has blown up in the market and has been a powerful tool for trainers, studios and commercial gyms. It offers the chance to adopt new engaging programs and affords facilities exciting new marketing opportunities. Tapping into the HIIT market can be a great source of revenue, however; the rise in HIIT programs also means it is more important than ever to distinguish yourself against a backdrop of hundreds of similar programs.
One way facilities can stand out from the crowd is to incorporate competition into their HIIT programming. Competition is an incredible tool that can encourage goal setting for members, track progress, maintain accountability, and offer positive reinforcement to keep members returning and achieving results. Few things get people fired up as much as good competition, and there are many effective ways to add competition to your program in a way that excites and motivates members, builds community, and allows them to track and visualize their progress. The intensity behind HIIT workouts lends itself well to competition.
The simplest form of competition that can be utilized in HIIT is encouraging participants to compete against themselves. Use markers, score boards, fitness trackers, or whatever tools you have available, but just make sure participants have visible and accurate means to keep score and record personal records. “When programs emphasize measurable results, any athlete who is repeating a workout will be competing with their score from the previous time they performed the workout,” explained Jake Petersen, Director of Products for Core Health & Fitness. “The first time I did 100 calories for time on the AirFit bike, it took me over 9 minutes. A couple weeks later I was able to do it in 8:38. A couple months later, after practice and after getting in better shape, I was able to do it in 7:19. Seeing improvements in workout scores is a big motivator.”
While competition will light a fire under some, others may need additional motivation to adhere to their routines. Offering a cutting edge HIIT program at your facility will not only keep members engaged, but it will drive new traffic and revenue into your club all year long. Take Equinox’s killer new Firestarter class as the perfect example. Equinox and Amy Dixon, a co-creator of this new HIIT program, says this blazing dose of cardio is the next generation of HIIT training. This class is a complete cardio challenge that demands everything you’ve got and incinerates your goals in thirty minutes flat. The workout focuses on pyramid intervals where you push for 15 seconds, then 30 seconds, then 45 seconds at high intensity – then back down the “pyramid” with just a 15 second rest in-between. “Because you never fully recover between sets, you are working at a level of intensity that will make you fitter and improve your performance,” Dixon explains in her recent interview with SELF magazine. A program that not only keeps members interested but includes a big calorie burning reward is just what your facility needs to distinguish itself against nearby competition.
As exciting as a new HIIT program can be, how a club incorporates it in their current facility can be a daunting task. Programs like StairMaster High Intensity Interval Training offer you the ability to leverage StairMaster’s unique line of High Intensity equipment, which includes products like the BoxMaster™, HIITMill, AirFit Bike and Upper Body Ergometer, to promote your facility and attract new members but also offers a complimentary, comprehensive training manual to educate your staff to ensure its success. By offering education on the science and intricacies of HIIT, trainers can understand not only how to incorporate this program but why it is important for your members. StairMaster’s HIIT Program offers a service to supplement the training program with a live 4-hour, hands-on workshop led by a team of world class Master Trainers. Additional education and training on any new HIIT Program is highly-recommended and serves to empower your training staff so that they can create the best possible experience for your clients.
A cutting edge and engaging HIIT Program is important for the growth of your facility but even the best of programs can fall short without the right trainers delivering the content. By offering a knowledgeable and experienced personal training staff to keep members on their game, a quality HIIT training program can make a difference for both the members and the facility.
Core Health & Fitness Master Trainer, Wayne Gordon, is not only an experienced HIIT trainer, but also has a wealth of first-hand experience using HIIT in his personal workouts and while training as a professional athlete. Wayne’s experience as a HIIT instructor has given him a first-hand look how effective HIIT programs can be for engaging clients and keeping them interested in the workout. “HIIT workouts are important because they work,” he explained. “They offer variety and keep my clients interested and guessing as I try to change the routine from one workout to the next.”
Beginner or athlete, young or old, the variability of HIIT programs allows you to cater to all types of individuals. A HIIT workout for your class may look different than one you tailor for an individual in personal training; and both may differ from your personal routines. Wayne expanded on this idea saying, “I must consider each client individually. Once the participants are ready they are then exposed to the various types of HIIT training depending on how many sessions they can fit into their busy week. The most popular format for trainers is High Volume Interval Training where you have a fixed time (1 minute of work) with a short recovery (30 second rest).” Understanding the individual needs of members in a HIIT program may be the catered content that makes your facility stand out among the rest. Having the right trainers who are both well-educated and experienced in their training is sure to drive any HIIT program to success.
Click here to find out what a workout with Wayne would look and feel like!
Ride into a MANIA® near you to see all Core and Health offers, Schwinn sessions, and to experience BoxMaster and HIIT!
Dehydration, the loss of body water, is not a summer problem. We can become dehydrated even as the thermometer drops. When the weather is cold, people don’t drink as much because they don’t feel thirsty.
As the air becomes cooler during the Fall and Winter months, many, including athletes, fail to stay aware of the water loss that still occurs despite the cool air, rain, and snow. Outdoor athletes will wear more clothing to keep warm, and this adds to increased fluid loss. Our bodies work harder under the extra weight of extra clothing. Even the suits many athletes wear retain body heat create sweat and fluid loss before ever feeling thirsty because sweat evaporates quickly in cold, dry air.
Why do we need to drink water? It is necessary for life! Babies’ bodies are approximately 78% water, toddlers 65%, men 60%, and women 55%. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a large amount of water. Water provides the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs, transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. If there is not enough fluid left in your system after digestion, the shortage of fluid for your muscles will lead to muscle aches, pains, and cramping.
Your body sweats to get rid of excess heat, and as the sweat evaporates you cool off. Exercise will increase your core body temperature and fluids help keep your temperature from reaching dangerous levels. When we lose body water, our heart also has to work harder.
If you wait to drink until you feel thirsty, you are already a quart low, which for an athlete may mean up to a 15% decline in maximal performance capacity. Stay at 95-100% hydration all of the time.
To prevent dehydration, drink a glass of water each hour. An easy way to accomplish drinking half of your weight in ounces of water each day is to drink an 8 or a 10-ounce glass each hour on the hour. Drink until your urine is clear to pale yellow.
Though the amount of water you need may depend on your age, gender, level of physical activity, altitude and climate, an easy method with which experts agree upon is that the amount of water one needs for health and ideal weight is half of one’s weight in ounces of water each day.
Body weight (in pounds) / 2 = Daily Fluid Needs in Ounces
Hydrate before you exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that athletes drink 16-ounces of non-carbonated and non-caffeinated fluids prior to exercise. Sipping on a sports drink containing sodium for the last hour prior to the event will help increase absorption of the water into your cells, and also prevent muscle cramps. In extreme cold, try hot chocolate to warm up your core.
Don’t neglect electrolytes when training or racing longer than an hour. You will need electrolyte replacement in addition to fluid replacement. The five most important electrolytes to consider include sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Hydration within 45 minutes of endurance training or an event is an essential to aid recovery. Fluids along with protein and carbohydrates soon after an endurance event will help repair and rebuild damaged tissue. A sports recovery drink with carbohydrates and electrolytes is recommended. Whole, nonfat or chocolate milk is also an excellent recovery drink and source of hydration because it is composed of 87% water and 13% solids. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, protein, carbohydrates and Vitamin D, contains the right percentage of potassium and sodium, and helps maintain ideal electrolyte balances.
As you put on your skis, go for a cold weather run or hike, or attend your daily water aerobics class, be aware and maintain proper hydration for better performance and recovery. Grab your water or sports drink even if you don’t feel thirsty, and DRINK UP!
About the Author:
Lori Pine is the Programs Director at In Motion Fitness in Chico, California where she supervises the aquatics and fitness departments, directs youth and safety programs, and trains clients of all ages. She received her M.A. at California State University, Chico. Lori is an A.C.E. Personal Trainer, APEX Nutritional Counselor, an AEA member, and visioning board member for ICAA. She holds specialty certificates in Nordic Walking, Youth Fitness, BOSU, Body Bar, STRONG, GRAVITY, Drums Alive, Gliding, and Kettlebell. She has 25+ years of teaching, sports conditioning, and recreation and leisure activity experience in schools, the community, camps, and the fitness industry. Lori has presented lectures / demos on balance training, components of fitness, getting started in an exercise program, and exercise for cancer patients. She produces events among them the Body And Mind conference “B.A.M.”, and raises funds annually for the American Cancer Society. She can be reached at [email protected]
MANIA® offers an entire track along with multiple certifications dedicated to nutrition as a whole, and even better – chances are we may be in your backyard!
DANCE AFTER DARK will exceed all expectations! Join us for this exhilarating event featuring master classes and inspiration from NYC’s most talented choreographers and influencers,as well as a community to engage with one another. Each attendee will feel motivated, educated, and empowered to find their artistic self, leaving them with an unforgettable experience and thirst for more.
Friday Sessions
- B’MORE AFRO FUSION with SayQuon Keys
- HIP HOP REDEFINED with Allison Lilly
- URBAN HIP-HOP with ANTBOOGIE (aka Anthony Rue II)
- K’MOTION DANCE – JAZZ FUSION with Kendra Kemerley
Saturday Sessions
- HIP HOP POWERHOUSE with Marcus Cobb
- SWAGGER with Katie Haggerty
- JAZZ FUNK with Miles Keeney
FOR MORE INFO & REGISTRATION: Register for Dance After Dark @ NYC MANIA
Do you wish to lose weight and create robust muscles but often face the challenge of hitting the gym on regular basis? Then a CrossFit bodyweight workout would prove to be the best one for you. Yes, this is because you can even perform these exercises at your home.
Is this the first time you have come across the concept CrossFit workouts? A simple exploration that is contained within this article will guide you to the correct path of learning and understanding the basics with regards to CrossFit workouts.
What exactly is a CrossFit Workout?
According to the experts, “CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more.”
It was Greg Glassman who came out with the concept of a fitness regimen – CrossFit. This sort of workout involves high-intensity performance and functional movements that are specifically designed to enhance fitness and health.
CrossFit is designed for all individuals seeking to tone their body in the most efficient way. Not only will it help to attain a toned body, but it also improves cardiovascular fitness and physical well-being.
Unlike other daily exercise routines to lose weight, there is no experience required to participate in CrossFit. If you are committed to the workout and exercising on a regular basis, you will get the most out of it because CrossFit is designed for universal scalability and anyone can easily achieve their goals through this type of workout. Moreover, if an individual is a beginner, fitness expert, or athlete, CrossFit is a great way to achieve and maintain results.
How safe is it?
The safety of this high-intensity workout depends upon your knowledge and the coaching you receive during your workouts. If you are performing all of the exercises in the correct manner and applying the proper approach, then CrossFit is a very safe exercise regimen. Conversely, if you do not perform exercises with proper form, then as with any exercise regimen, you increase your chance of injury.
Here are two rules that you need to keep in mind with a CrossFit workout to insure safety:
Rule #1: Lifting weights too quickly with poor form
One of the biggest mistakes that many individuals make when performing a CrossFit workout is to lift the weight with poor form and too quickly. It is important to utilize proper form and complete exercises effectively and efficiently.
Rule #2. Too much exercise can increase overtraining and lack of results
Know and learn your capabilities when working out and lifting weights. If you become too overzealous and perform too many sets or workout past your limitations, you risk overtraining. Overtraining can actually cause you to plateau or not see additional results, and you also risk injury when you participate in overtraining..
In other words, if you are participating in any kind of training sessions, insure that you are not performing exercises that are beyond the potential of your body.
Pros and Cons Of CrossFit
As with every exercise program, there are some pros and cons with a CrossFit routine.
If all the workout exercises are performed correctly, then CrossFit can be very effective at assisting individuals with achieving results and improving both muscular strength and endurance as well as cardiovascular endurance.
CrossFit workouts provide a sense of community since many individuals are competing against others and themselves by utilizing the same workout on a daily basis. This can also assist with building a sense of camaraderie amongst those dedicated to CrossFit workouts.
Competition inspires many individuals to workout intensely and achieve results. When you are surrounded by others who are working out intensely as well, this also leads to everyone striving harder to achieve their goals.
Peer Pressure
Although the competitive nature of a CrossFit workout can push some to achieve results, it can also push others unsafely beyond their limitations and cause injuries when some individuals lift weights beyond their capabilities.
When individuals workout too intensely there is an increased chance for injury, which can certainly happen during CrossFit workouts.
About the Author:
Clara Decker is the marketing manager at, which is a deals and discounts provider company. She is passionate about money savings, investments and the finance industry. In addition, Clara also supports non-profit agencies that provide healthcare solutions to handicapped and disabled people.
- 1 cup pecans or almonds
- 1 cup pitted dates (remove stems if present)
- ¼ cup chocolate
- 1/8 tsp sea salt
- ¼ tsp vanilla extract
- Optional: Hemp harts to cover
Combine in food processor, roll into balls. Optional roll in hemp seed, freeze, enjoy.
-Made using almonds – 110 calories, good source of fiber
-Made using pecans – 130 calories, good source of fiber
-1 tsp of hempseed to cover adds 20 calories
-Other options: roll in pomegranate or goji powder
Come learn all about Nutrition and how important it is from Tricia LIVE at a MANIA® near you!
There is just something about January 1st that makes us all want to dedicate ourselves to the gym, wake up earlier, or save more money. But according to the U.S. News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. So, it’s safe to say the odds are against us and our gym patrons. Luckily, for the first year ever, SCW has put together an exclusive New Year’s Fitness Guide to ensure you and your classes and clients are the successful 20%!
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find inside our New Year’s Fitness Guide exclusively for SCW Fitness subscribers. Offered by a variety of premium companies, these discounts are made specifically to ensure a healthier, happier new year:
– Valuable savings on Group Exercise and Personal Training equipment
– Half-price Certifications
– Membership exclusives
– Discounted apparel and accessories
– Videos and Literature
– And much more!
Check out the guide at: