Extended! $100 OFF Thru 5/5 With Code: MEGA100

May 3-5, 2024 • Caribe Royale Orlando

May 3-5, 2024 • Caribe Royale Orlando

SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2024

Sunday is the last day of in-person MANIA where everything just seems to click. Conclude the event on a high note with sessions making you feel inspired, informed, and equipped with the tools to take back home with you.

Session 1: 7:30am-8:45am

Effort, achieving peak performance, leveraging recovery, and maintaining motivation. These skills can be applied to HIIT, High Volume Training, Performance Training, and more. Elevate your coaching skills to empower clients for outstanding results.

Americans age 55+ are feeling more alive and active than ever! In fact, this age group makes up the largest segment of our population going to fitness facilities. Don’t just give them boring fitness programming – get creative and make your fitness classes fun, energizing and engaging! It will not only meet their needs for an active lifestyle, but it will keep them coming back for more.
Learn actual line dances for a skill you can showcase and extend your workout beyond the gym into local nightlife and country music venues. Fuse country, and four other dance styles. Boost muscle endurance, shed fat, enhance core strength, and improve coordination. Suitable for all ages and levels, Country Fusion® is new for 2024.
Experience the latest and greatest in myofascial release with foam rollers and massage sticks. Explore recovery for you and your clients using simple, inexpensive and portable equipment. Leave with new ideas and techniques to implement with your clients and classes.
Experience the awesome resistance exercises with Liquid Gym Acqua Toner Bands and Bar to take your aqua workout into a new realm. Take the power of strength resistance training and the resistance/hydrostatic properties of water to give your workout a whole new release. Increase flexibility, muscle tone and range of motion; improve proprioception and blood circulation. Finish with a stretch routine using the Liquid Stars.

“Ozempic, Xenical, Victoza! Oh my!” Are you on the pulse of the latest developments in the ever-evolving weight management space? Uncover the effectiveness, safety, and potential pitfalls of weight loss medications and receive fresh insights on diets from our seasoned dietitian. “Fasting, Keto, and Noom! Oh my!” 

Make money with FREE, simple, effective, (& somewhat sneaky) social media strategies. Brandi shares her secrets on how she became and continues to be a social media phenomenon with a following on TikTok, IG, Facebook, and YouTube, all while earning a 6-figure income!

Session 2: 9:00am-10:15am

WARRIOR Combat is boxing inspired, powerful, and fierce. It has two 30-minute sections distinguished by timed intervals and moves synchronized to music including boxing, HIIT training, total body strength, and aerobic conditioning. Have a set of dumbbells handy and get ready to feel like a confident badass.

100% Dance, 100% Fitness and 100% Seated. A perfect balance of dance and fitness with little impact on the joints. Experience a diverse mix of famous ballroom dances set to your favorite music AND the ultimate core workout. No partner needed! You will learn to Jive, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, Lindy Hop, Salsa & more…all from the comfort of your chair!
Training your clients like athletes is one thing. But are you helping elevate their recovery like one too? Apply a 3-step approach that includes deep practical mobility, advanced low-impact bodyweight strength, and active full body stretches that keep personal training clients “in the game”.
Ignite the inner athlete in your members using a weighted bar in the pool. This innovative program takes your aqua students through various functional exercises to enhance mobility, strength, endurance, core training and much more!! Leave your students stronger, straighter and feeling better than ever…bar none!

This session will discuss common fitness and sports injuries seen in a sports medicine practice. Evidence based strategies for recognizing and preventing these injuries in your training population will also be discussed. 

Discover how to cater to clients’ desires for longevity and overall well-being. Learn the art of blending passive and active rejuvenation services to create profitable revenue models. Walk away inspired, armed with the knowledge to craft enticing service offerings and implement successful practices. Join us in revolutionizing the fitness industry.

Session 3: 10:45am-12:00pm

Total Body Strength mixes resistance training with bodyweight exercises to absolutely challenge every muscle in your body – upper, lower, and core. Sculpt your way to a stronger, leaner physique. Unique combinations of exercises make this one killer workout.
Dynamic motion at its most fun! The need for reactive and anticipatory balance, power and agility training is incredibly important as we age. Come sweat, laugh and learn how to facilitate a purposeful cardio kickboxing class that includes whole-body mobility, repetition and coordination. Walk away with class formats to play with, and teach!
Restoration is an essential part of any fitness regimen, but it can be hard to get clients to buy into it. This is why we’ve created a simple integrated 3-part restoration group class that combines foam rolling, stretching, and moving and leaves clients feeling so good and rejuvenated.

Dive into vitality with our aquatic circuit workshop! Designed for enhancing daily life functionality, this pool-based session guides you through a series of exercises targeting strength, flexibility, and balance. Experience the therapeutic benefits of water while improving your everyday activities. Leave with four comprehensive class designs to incorporate into your classes immediately.

Explore the vital role of magnesium in human health, emphasizing its significance in muscle function, energy metabolism, and overall well-being. Discover how to optimize magnesium intake through dietary choices and supplements for enhanced performance, recovery, and long-term health. 

How many weekly PT Sessions can we deliver before nearing burn-out? How much can we keep increasing our prices before we hit that “price-ceiling”? Join Bob as he reviews the new skills that Personal Trainers will need to grow our businesses beyond 1-on-1 Training Sessions. 

Session 4: 12:15pm-1:30pm

This total body strength class includes 8 blocks of work advancing each exercise from (easy, med, hard) to a final “Boss up “challenge testing your strength. The goal is to improve your muscular power and endurance with both light and heavy weights along with kettlebells and resistance bands.
Fire-up your Active Agers with energizing, dynamic Latin-based patterns in a powerfully cultural movement experience. This program incorporates both seated and standing components, cardiovascular Latin movements, neuroplasticity, core-conditioning, and a total mind-body approach. Perfect for most active aging fitness levels, we enjoy easy-to-follow progressions and transitions.
Strength, courage and wisdom are the key components to creating an embodied fitness experience. Using the foundations of fitness fundamentals, combined with mindfulness, moving meditation and a whole-person approach to engaging in their workout; we’ll learn the gift of offering our participants a grace-filled way of moving in love.
Are you ready to take control of your back pain and help your clients take control of theirs? 80% of Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Learn simple exercises and lifestyle changes that can help your clients become PAIN FREE, leading to more consistency with training and exceeding training goals.
Whether it’s a twinge from over-exercising, a post-injury recovery, or arthritis wear and tear, troublesome knees and hips don’t have to stand between you and your aqua exercise. In this session, learn practical modifications to implement into your aqua instruction to reduce pain. Then enjoy a powerful WATERinMOTION-inspired workout focused exclusively on you lower extremities and particularly your beautiful buoyant bootie!

Expand your knowledge of the nutritional needs of our over 50 clients. Examine caloric needs, protein, fiber, hydration, longevity, disease avoidance, and more! Your active agers need your support because of their decreased appetites, increased social needs, and their constant battle with inflammation. Help them yogachilazinavigate these challenges with effective coaching options. 

It’s not just you and your fitness business that has transformed – your members have too. Examine how consumer habits have shifted, and ways your business can embrace these changes to meet new expectations and be successful in 2023. Discover easily implementable adaptations to traditional business approaches for optimal outcomes that ensure happy clients and owners alike.