Breaking Into Corporate Wellness

With Andrew Gavigan
Corporate Wellness Programs are offered at 44% of U.S. businesses and the opportunities for fit pros to get involved are abundant. Get the business tools to obtain new, regional, corporate wellness clients and experience accessible, all inclusive, team-building workouts. Certified trainers, group exercise instructors and entrepreneurs won’t want to miss this session!

Time: 52 minutes

Fitness Game Changers

With Kathy Smith
For the past four decades, Kathy Smith has enjoyed a front-row seat for the rapid evolution of the health and fitness industries. From leg warmers to Fit Bits, from step workouts to CrossFit, we’ve come a long way. And, in order to stay relevant, Kathy’s own approach also has evolved, embracing ever-changing technology and cutting-edge methods for healthy living. Thanks to Kathy’s ongoing mission to educate herself and others, she remains at the forefront of her industry, just as passionate as she was the day she began her journey. Discover Kathy’s “game changers” – the core principles that have shaped her life and her career – and you’ll walk away inspired, with a deeper understanding and appreciation for your own business.

2018 Trends in Fitness Programming & Training

With Sara Kooperman, JD
This entertaining presentation examines the common threads in society that will drive our health and wellness businesses to success in 2018. Customer experience, programming options, technological advancements and electronic influences are the keys to our fitness future. To unlock our potential, we will examine implementation, experimentation and systemization of both fads and trends. Review the best practices of various companies both within the fitness industry and beyond.

Time: 90 Minutes

Successful Business Strategies for Owners & Managers

With Sara Kooperman, JD
This exploratory session addresses foam rolling for the Active Ager. Self-care is increasingly important to incorporate into our daily activity to ensure that our body functions optimally. Get “on a roll” to explore safe methods of myofascial release, including self-massage, to manage reduced flexibility, accumulated injuries and decreased mobility and circulation for the 50+ market.

Management Gems For Studios and Boutiques

With Michael Scott Scudder
A studio or boutique is not a “smaller version of a large club.” This workshop familiarizes you with the differences between membership facilities and studios, alerts you to the inherent dangers in studio/boutique businesses and highlights the advantages of small facilities.
Time: 91 minutes

Business Trends and Benchmarks

With Michael Scott Scudder
Explore the 12 fitness-business benchmarks to successfully open your own business. Learn how industry publications can mislead us about fitness statistics, why understanding key trends is so important to your business success and how you can profit from “getting the guidelines.”

Time: 84 minutes

Making Money Using Business Trends

With Michael Scott Scudder
Most fitness facility operators think they know the trends that drive the markets – but they don’t! Come learn what the long-term, short-term, and emerging trends are and how to capitalize on them to build more success for you!

Time: 87 minutes

Management Stuff You Gotta Know

With Michael Scott Scudder
This is an interactive workshop on business management in clubs and studios. Content will be based on the questions you submit in the first ten minutes of the seminar. Please ensure you ask business questions only such as “How do I manage my group ex program?” or “How do I increase profitability with my small group personal training program?” versus “Which classes are the best?” or “What’s the best equipment to buy?”

Time: 87 minutes

Cashing In On 50+ Markets

With Michael Scott Scudder
Still trying to get your share of the dwindling-population of 30-49 year olds? There’s another way. Learn about the four sectors that make up the largest consumer market in the country and how to attract, program for, serve and keep them. An interactive workshop led by an expert who knows these markets first-hand.

Time: 89 minutes

The 7 Principles of Extraordinary

With Dr. Evan Osar
What do Beyoncé, Steve Jobs, and Tom Brady have in common? They are extraordinary individuals and have extraordinary accomplishments on their resume. Unfortunately, most of us have been raised to believe we are quite ordinary. However, each one of us has everything within us that we need to accomplish extraordinary things in our own lives. In this dynamic session, Dr. Evan Osar will share the 7 principles that all extraordinary achievers have in common and when you adopt them, you too will be able to accomplish extraordinary things in your own life.