Sunday, March 27
9:00am-5:00pm EST
Shapes Fitness for Women Brandon
731 W. Lumsden Rd., Brandon, FL 33511
Drawing on over 100 years of combined expertise in the aquatic fitness industry, this nationally recognized comprehensive certification serves as an essential first step into the field of teaching water exercise. Learn the benefits of aquatic exercise and gain practical skill mastery in the unique environment of water. The principles of aquatic training, as they apply to general anatomy, kinesiology, water depth, movement planes, cueing skills, musicality and special population adaptations, are thoroughly addressed. Professionalism, leadership skills, and legal considerations are reinforced. Experience on-site coaching and one-on-one assessment of teaching skills to successfully develop and deliver effective water programming. Course includes: training manual and testing fee ($59 value). Manuals will be emailed from SCW Fitness Education.
CECS: SCW (8.0), AFAA (8.0), ACE (0.7), NASM (0.8), AEA (9.0), ACSM (8.0), NFPT (1.6).TRAINER: ANN GILBERT
Ann Gilbert is an owner of two Shapes Fitness for Women franchises and a sold-out International Presenter and is featured regularly in publications and on local TV. She is an SCW Faculty member leading a variety of certifications and is the Co-Founder and Choreographer for the innovative S.E.A.T.® Chair Program, (Seated Exercise for Ageless Training). A WATERinMOTION® Master Trainer, Ann was awarded the ACE/IHRSA Personal Trainer of the Year award.
Was $259 Now Only $199
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this certification please email us at [email protected] or text/call 847-562-4020.