Desperate Hotwives: Season 1

With Cammy Dennis, Sara Kooperman, JD, & Deborah Puskarich
The ladies of SCW are creating quite a stir in the ‘neighborhood!’ This workout brought to you by three of SCW’s finest femmes fatale, offers a creative combination of effective cardio and strengthening elements.

Advanced Horizontal Step

With Gay Gasper
Exciting advanced horizontal step choreography combines with creative cueing techniques for patterns guaranteed to last for months to come. Accomplish all the step patterns smoothly and easily in this exciting advanced step video.

Water Circuit Bootcamp

With Laura Ribbins
Enjoy this outstanding video that features the latest SPRI exercise equipment and creative choreography techniques for programming an innovative and challenging water circuit program.

Step Combat Choreography

With Sara Kooperman, JD
Experience kickboxing choreography that mixes martial arts moves with stepping patterns. With the turn of the century, learn six 32-count combat combinations that incorporate twists and turns with martial arts kicks and punches that even beginning steppers can follow.