Waves on Fire for Active Agers

With Connie Martin, MA
Baby Boomers Unite! Heat up your water workouts and burn calories, sculpt and strengthen your entire body in a great movement environment – the pool. Stoke the fire of your internal furnace by using ability-based, low-impact and multi-joint movements. Learn to stabilize your core while benefiting from improved stability and mobility.

Time: 75 Minutes

Liquid Levels

With Jessica Pinkowski
This session focuses on three different “liquid levels” all derived from movements specific to the water. Explore the difference between these three levels – rebounding, neutral and suspended – and how to effectively add them to aqua classes. You will learn why each of these levels has a different exercise expenditure and outcome.

Time: 50 Minutes

The Big Balance Theory

With Jessica Pinkowski
Falling is the leading cause of fatalities in older adults. The ‘Big Balance Theory’ helps active agers restore strength, improve balance and regain confidence and states: The fear of falling can be conquered, and the risk of falling can be reduced! Learn to create a fall-prevention program that fuses theory with practical application.

Time: 80 Minutes

Balance Strategies for Older Adults

With Dr. Evan Osar
Every day in the U.S., 10,000 individuals turn 65, and 1/3 over the age of 65 will fall costing the health care system nearly $80 billion every year. During this workshop, you will discover why your clients are falling and strategies that you can implement to have an immediate effect on your client’s balance. You will discover safe progressions to improve your client’s balance as well as what exercises you should avoid in their training.

Wellness for Optimal Aging

With Cammy Dennis
Examine the multiple dimensions of wellness and their influence on aging optimally. Physical fitness is only one piece of the ‘wellness pie.’ There are many things to consider when it comes to influencing the quality of life as we age. Learn how the dimensions of wellness can positively impact the health of body, brain and spirit.

Time: 48 minutes

Management Gems For Studios and Boutiques

With Michael Scott Scudder
A studio or boutique is not a “smaller version of a large club.” This workshop familiarizes you with the differences between membership facilities and studios, alerts you to the inherent dangers in studio/boutique businesses and highlights the advantages of small facilities.
Time: 91 minutes

Business Trends and Benchmarks

With Michael Scott Scudder
Explore the 12 fitness-business benchmarks to successfully open your own business. Learn how industry publications can mislead us about fitness statistics, why understanding key trends is so important to your business success and how you can profit from “getting the guidelines.”

Time: 84 minutes

Weight Loss Aquatic Style

With Ann Gilbert
With the growth in the number of members challenged with our nation’s epidemic of obesity, it is time to implement a weight loss program that focuses on aquatic exercise as the catalyst to weight loss success. Learn proven strategies that allow you to launch your start-up program this season.

Elapsed Time: 77 minutes

Playful Aqua Patterns

With Ann Gilbert
Study innovative science-based patterns to incorporate into your aqua classes. Learn to balance movement patterns to ensure that you know how to incorporate a well-designed warm-up and cool-down section to your class while capturing the attention of the group and retain them for years to come.

Elapsed Time: 65 minutes

Yoga For Seniors

With Elian Haan
This session combines basic principles from Hatha yoga, Vinyasa flow and Pilates core to emphasize flexibility, posture and strength. The session also focuses on breathing techniques and balance and ends with guided meditation and chakra relaxation techniques.