Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

With Sara Kooperman, JD, Irene Lewis-McCormick, Ann Gilbert, Jessica Pinkowski & Billie Wartenberg
Bring a tidal wave of energy and excitement to the pool! The fabulous Women of MANIA® will provide a flood of new ideas that will give new meaning to fluid fun. Plunge into a fantastic workout that covers all body parts and add a major splash of WOW! to your aqua classes.

Time: 82 Minutes

Making Money Using Business Trends

With Michael Scott Scudder
Most fitness facility operators think they know the trends that drive the markets – but they don’t! Come learn what the long-term, short-term, and emerging trends are and how to capitalize on them to build more success for you!

Time: 87 minutes

Management Stuff You Gotta Know

With Michael Scott Scudder
This is an interactive workshop on business management in clubs and studios. Content will be based on the questions you submit in the first ten minutes of the seminar. Please ensure you ask business questions only such as “How do I manage my group ex program?” or “How do I increase profitability with my small group personal training program?” versus “Which classes are the best?” or “What’s the best equipment to buy?”

Time: 87 minutes

Cashing In On 50+ Markets

With Michael Scott Scudder
Still trying to get your share of the dwindling-population of 30-49 year olds? There’s another way. Learn about the four sectors that make up the largest consumer market in the country and how to attract, program for, serve and keep them. An interactive workshop led by an expert who knows these markets first-hand.

Time: 89 minutes

A-Quality Movement

With Jessica Pinkowski
The quality of movement is critical for optimal outcomes at any age. The aqua environment is unique and instructors need a specialized skill set to help active agers achieve success. Learn how to develop this set of “teaching tools” including visual and verbal cueing to promote proper posture and effective movement mechanics.

Time: 82 Minutes

Active Aging: No Place Like Foam

With Sara Kooperman, JD
This exploratory session addresses foam rolling for the Active Ager. Self-care is increasingly important to incorporate into our daily activity to ensure that our body functions optimally. Get “on a roll” to explore safe methods of myofascial release, including self-massage, to manage reduced flexibility, accumulated injuries and decreased mobility and circulation for the 50+ market.

Stress and Chronic Disease

With Kim and Herson Garcia
Is stubborn fat clinging to your clients’ waistlines, and are they experiencing life-disrupting health symptoms? Kimberly shares how to identify the top stressors wreaking havoc on the body and how you can help clients control their well-being. This will accelerate results and ensure you are leading others to good health!

Tai Chi 24 Yang Style

With Elian Haan
The Tai Chi 24 Short Form Yang Style is a short and simplified version of the unique movements of Tai Chi. This style is observed and performed by many in parks and public places all over the world. Elian has developed a simple way to explain and teach this form as a fun way of exercise for students so that they quickly can pick it up, join in anywhere and enjoy this beautiful style of movement and meditation.

Qi Gong and Tai Chi for Seniors

With Elian Haan
Targeted to the 55+ fitness client, still active, and looking to make the most of their hourly fitness class, the four focus components are Movement, Meditation, Balance and Breath. Every class starts with a Qi Gong warm-up and 20 minutes learning the Tai Chi 24 Short Form. This is a gentle moving class, popular with people that are motivated to increase their flexibility and movement in general and like to improve their posture and balance.

Active Aging: Between the Chairs

With Irene Lewis-McCormick, MS
Functional movement, range of motion and the ability to perform unassisted daily activities are strongly linked to joint flexibility, soft tissue range of motion, balance and agility. This session explores aging populations with respect to mobility and relaxation techniques including a class design that is unique and appealing for this potentially fragile community.